If you were logged into your customer area, you were logged out for safety reasons.
If you are satisfied with us, please pass it on:
Recruiting a new customer gains you an amount of 10 € as a gift.
The customer you recruit only has to fill in your email address into the field "recruiter".
Unfortunately we do not have time to read all professional journal. If you find an article about our products in one of them, please send us a message.
Scan in the colored coverpage and all sites of the respective article with a 300 dpi resolution as "png" or "bmp" file and you will be rewarded.
If you recording a comment to our products on TV by chance, please send us an uncut DVD of it in TS-format (file format of the receiver).
The following premium can be earned:
• For an article in a professional journal or newspaper: 10 €.
• For an article on TV or out of the videotext: 15 €.
To assure your premium and as a proof to be the first who delivered the information please post a comment like this in our forum:
Comment on TV at the sender [sender] at [date] at [time] in the show [name of the show] located.
New article in the journal [name of the journal] at page [No.] to [No.] located.
Your forum post should also include the following facts:
• TV: sender, Date and time of the show, name of the show.
• TV: In which context was our product mentioned?
• Article: Name of the journal.
• Article: Number of the volume.
• Article: Titel of the article.
• Article: In which context (independent test, mentioned in connection with a receiver, workshop,...) was our product mentioned?
Please copy the questions above into your forum post and give us your information. We will answer your comment as soon as possible.
Please send us the article as a zip-file to Support@Haenlein-Software.com.
Links to downloads are also possible.
The following rules have to be kept…
Unfortunately we are not able to test all existing receivers, but many of them use the same recording format. Therefor it is possible that our pruduct functions with an unlisted device.
Some of the listed models have been detected by our customers.
If you have a new device not named in our list and our program can be used to it, please help us in the following way:
Please send asupport request to DVR-Studio HD. Open a record from your device. If possible directly from the recording disc. If that is not possible please carry all data belonging to the movie over to the harddisc of your PC. Thereafter open a support request under "manual & help" and answer the questions.
It is absolutely important to mark the field "add deviceinformation".
The promgram will search for necessary itself and put this as a zip-file on your desktop.
This also includes a small movie file. Furthermore the program searchs for controlling files and names.
Afterwars the zip-file is send to pur server.
To proof you to be the first who detected this new device please post the following inforamtion in our forum:
• Manufacturer of the device
• Name of the device
• Number of your support request.
Use the following area of the forum:
Receivers and digital TV at all
If we put the detected device to our list, you will be rewarded:
Reporting about a so far unknown device will gain a 10 € premium.
If the manufacturer is also new to us, you get a 15 € premium.
The following rules have to be kept…
Our device list contains the columns UPnP-Import (DVR-Studio HD 3) and UPnP-Playback (DVR-Provider). For all devices where these columns contain a ( ? ) we require information. In cause your device has a UPnP network feature let us know it. You will get credited 5€ to your customer account.
For new devices being not listed so far, please consider the description "New devices and manufacturers".
Import recordings via network with DVR-Studio HD3: (Column UPnP-Import)
Check whether your device has an DLNA- or UPnP-server and enable it within the settings of your device. When using the UPnP-Import of DVR-Studio HD 3 the device and its recordings should be listed. In case you can transfer the recordings on that way please send us the following information:
• Image of the UPnP Import window of DVR-Studio HD 3 showing the recordings
• Image of the device settings required for enabling the DLNA / UPnP server
• Can live TV be shown our free UPnP Player? (Download HS-UPnP-Player...)
Playback of recordings via network with DVR-Provider: (Column UPnP-Playback)
If your device can "see" other UPnP/DLNA servers e.g. your NAS and videos can be playback, you should be able to use DVR-Provider too. (Further information here...)
At some devices this feature needs to be enabled. Please check whether your device has an DLNA- or UPnP-Player and/or Renderer and enable it within the settings. In case it has a renderer, it is commonly possible to playback videos automatically.
Please send us the following information (Sample...):
• image of the settings required for enabling DLNA- or UPnP-Player / Renderer
• Image showing the DVR-Provider being listed as network server and its shared video
• Remark if the device has a render and if a automatical playback is possible
Further give us the following device information:
• Manufacturer of the device
• Name of the device
The following rules have to be kept…
Each announcement will only be rewarded by one premuim and also only when we post it on our page. We deserve the right to disclaim a posting. Only end customers are eligible.
The premium is an invoice-related credit memo to your account and can only be cashed by buying our products. A cash payment is not possible. The jurisdiction of a court is excluded.
To get the preium it is applicable to deliver the desired information in our forum.
If you are not a customer of us until now, please register at our homepage and note your customernumber in the support request and the forum post..
A forum comment precedes an email advice because of the proof of being the first. In cases of double advices the olter forum post will be considered.
Eligibility requirements and rules:
• No premium to device advice without a support request.
• You have to own the device. Do not recommend about devices on spec!
• Receiver have to work with our program by using there firmware, exept of PC-TV-cards.
• Only report devices our software functions to.
• Wordings like: "It should function..." or "should be identical in construction with ..." do not secure your right of being the first! If a later announcement is complete and has assured and tested data you will not be rewarded.
• TV: If we do not receive the sended DVD within 7 days the next sender will get the premium.
• Article: If we do not receive the scaned pages vai mail in 3 days we will announce that in our forum and the next sender will get the premium.
• Customer acquires customer premium is valid only if the acquired customer is a real and independent person how ordered and purchased a product at our store.